Glider airfoil
Glider airfoil

glider airfoil

Next you need to think of what kind of materials you're going to build with. If you want a floater then you do want a lot of camber, possibly 3 or 4%.

glider airfoil

How much aerobatic flying are you going to do ? If you're going to spend a lot of time upside down you don't want an airfoil with a lot of camber, instead use something 0, 1, or 2%. So you need to design the ship for the type of flying you're planning on doing or think that you'll be doing. However you aren't going to be able to make a thick 10, 12 % or thicker airfoil with high camber 3, or 4 % that's meant for floating into a high speed racer by adding a little ballast or tweaking the flap setting a bit.

#Glider airfoil full#

The other adaptation to different flying conditions can be through full span ailerons that can be trimmed slightly up or down which changes the effective camber of the airfoil, thereby improving the float for light conditions or improving the penetration for high winds and high speed flight. This does lead to a faster landing speed with more weight possibly resulting in lots of pieces after landing. Some adaption to different flying conditions can be had by adding ballast through lead blocks bolted to the CG or by replacing light weight wing joiner rods with heavier ones. If you find you need another glider for different conditions or enjoy flying in different conditions, build another. Thus you'll need to define or make a guess at the type of flying you're going to do most often and what the conditions will be most often at your slope. You're seeing different answers above because a glider designed for light wind floating isn't going to work well for high wind screaming flybys.

Glider airfoil